Prepare Your Child for a New Sibling Before the Birth

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Preparing your child for a sibling before birth

Are you reaching the end of your pregnancy and wondering how you can prepare your child for a sibling? You have been down this pregnancy journey before. You have an idea of what to expect of your body and spouse but this time around you have another child in the mix. If this is your second child your first up to this point is use to being your baby and not having to share you with anyone. Every child will respond to the arrival of a new sibling in a different way. It is important to prepare your child for a new sibling in a way that fits their needs.

Preparing your child for a new sibling

Prepare your child for a new sibling before birth

Some siblings will welcome a baby with love and want to help care for the baby others will show jealousy and want the new baby to go away, while some will have nothing to do with the baby till they are older.

We are expecting the arrival of our new baby in early April. Our four year old has been amazing with dealing with the pregnancy journey but I always wonder how she will do once her baby brother is here. My goal is to help make the transition from only child to big sister as smooth as possible. These are the transition tips we have been doing and they seem to be working so far!

Buy a Baby Doll

Our daughter loves her baby dolls and we have many of them but we bought a special baby that she could feed and change just like I will have to do to baby brother. Even if you have boys a baby doll is a great idea to help with the transition. They will feel important like they have a job to do to.

 Read Books about Babies

Buy a few books that celebrate becoming a big sibling and some that explain babies in simple terms. These are a few we have used and loved!

Involve your child

Once the pregnancy is confirmed and your out of the scare zone involve your child in an ultrasound appointment or a doctor appointment. My daughter loved going and seeing her baby brother on the big screen and hearing his heart beat. She looks forward to going to my appointments with me.

Not only involve your child in the special moments like that buy involving your child in the shopping process is a great way for them to be excited for baby. Have them help pick out baby items so they can feel like they are making important decisions.

The growing belly is going to be the first thing your other child really notices. Let your child touch, kiss, and talk to your belly. Your baby can hear voices and having the older sibling talk to them now will start to create that bond.

Don’t Blame Baby

This is where I really struggle. Being pregnant can be hard your body has restrictions that your child is not use to. There are going to be times that you don’t want to get on the floor and play with your child. Or there are going to be days that you can not pick up and carry your child. Try not to blame the baby for your restrictions even as hard as it may be. Instead of blaming baby let your child know they are a big kid and can hold mommy’s hand.

Create one on one time for them!

This is a big one! No matter how busy life may be make time for your child too. Having a one on one time for your child with both parents is a great way to show your older child that they still matter and that you till love them. This will really help with jealousy! Take the older sibling out for a date like to the movies, dinner or ice cream. Or you can even just make time doing something your child loves to do such as playing a game, reading books, or just have time to cuddle them!

Possible Regression

Now no matter how much you prepare your child for a new sibling there is a possibility that your child is going to regress. They may start wanting a bottle again or wetting their pants or crying. The possibilities are endless. Don’t stress over it to much these are things that you can not always control. Be prepared and patient for whatever comes at you and try your best to get through it.

New Sibling!

Adding a new baby to the mix is always going to be a huge shift in a family. But with these tips and some preparation, you can ease the adjustment for your older kids. And help them find joy in their new sibling.

Before you know it, you’ll be watching your kids play together and join forces in the ongoing campaign to make you late for everything, sleepless, and otherwise living the mom life.


When did you tell your child(ren) that you were pregnant? Right away, or did you wait until the second trimester?

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Preparing your child for a new sibling before birth

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