Counting Butterfly Eggs Activity

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Counting Butterfly Eggs #childrenactivities #preschool #earlylearning

Have you checked out our butterfly mini study? It is officially spring! With this nice warm weather we have been spending quiet a bit of time outside exploring. I figured it was the perfect time to do a butterfly study. This counting butterfly eggs activity was one was many that we did! This is a great fine motor and mathematics activity to do with your child.


Counting Butterfly eggs

Counting Butterfly Eggs Activity

This is a great mathematics activity for your little ones. This can be done a few different ways depending on the age of your child.

Give the leaves and the pom-poms to your little one.

1st way to do this activity: Have your child put the correct number of pom-poms on the leaves then have them count them to you.

Counting Butterfly Eggs

2nd way to do this activity: Give your child a leave. Say you give them the leaf with number 5. Then put 8 pom-poms on it and ask how many they need to remove to get the right number

3rd way to do this activity: Give them a leaf. Say you give them the leaf with the 10. Then give them 4 pom-poms and ask how many more they need

Each time have them count the number of pom-poms to you.

I hope your little one enjoyed this activity!

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