Mess Free Painting

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Mess free painting

Let your kids have some fun the mess free way!

My daughter’s favorite thing to do is paint but man there are days I really do not want to deal with the mess. This is a great way to let your child paint without having to worry about cleaning up the paint mess. This is also a great painting activity to do with your infant! So let’s get ready to do mess free painting!

Mess Free Painting

Lets get started!

This activity takes very few materials along with little prep time and little clean up time yet your child will love it!


Start by putting dots of paint all over the piece of paper. These dots should have enough paint so that your child can smash them. Once you have added all the paint put the piece of paper into the plastic bag. From here I make sure the zip-lock part of the bag is closed tight than fold it under so it will be laying flat against the table or floor. Place the bag and paper on a flat surface than tape all around the bag. Really make sure it is taped down so your little one does not get it off and make paint go everywhere.

Mess Free Painting

Once it is taped to the flat surface your little one can start the fun. They can smash the paint with their hands, hot wheels pretty much anything. Rolling play dough toys will make fun patterns in the paint if yo have any of those lying around. Let your kid have fun with this. Smashing the paint is also a great sensory activity.mes free painting

Immediately after your child is finished painting take the paper out of the bag for it to dry. Toss the bag away no need to try to reuse it.  Good thing with using washable paint if by chance it did get anywhere it is a very easy clean up!

Did you little one enjoy Mess Free Painting?

Mess Free Painting

Here is a great sensory project for your little ones: Colored Rice Sensory Bin


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