Am I having a girl or a boy?? That’s the big question all pregnant moms think about. Are baby gender predictors and old wives tales accurate? Do I need to buy pink or blue? Girl names or boy names? All these depend on the baby’s gender, but unfortunately most expecting moms don’t find out baby’s gender till their 20 week anatomy scan.
As many of you may know I am expecting my second child April 2020! I am currently 16 weeks along and so excited to be on this journey again. As I mentioned above most expecting mothers don’t find out gender till their 20 week scan, but I am so impatient that I decided to go to a place called Mommy and Me 4d Ultrasound at 14 weeks to find out gender.
Even though I found out early what baby was I still thought it would be fun to put the wives tales to the test!
Old Wives Tales Put to the Test
Morning Sickness
Have you suffered morning sickness?
Wives tales says if you have its a girl if not its a boy
This one is a little tricky for me. From the beginning my stomach has been off. I never actually threw up but my stomach was just uneasy.So I am going to say no to morning sickness since this is nothing like the horror stories of morning sickness I hear about.
Result= Boy
Heart Rate
Have you already had your first ultrasound and listened to baby’s heart beat??
I find this one very interesting! Wives tale say that if heart rate is over 150 baby is a girl is heart rate is below 150 baby is a boy.
During my first scan heart rate was 171 this was at 8 weeks. Then at 12 weeks baby’s heart rate was at 156.
Result= Girl
Sweet or Salty
Pregnant women are known for having some odd cravings! Wives tales says that you can predict baby’s gender by what your craving.
Have you been craving sweet foods you could be carrying a girl. If you want salty foods you could be carrying a boy.
So far I have not had many cravings. The cravings I do have change day t0 day and bounce between sweet and salty.
Result= Inclusive
Fruit or Meat
Along with your sweet and salty cravings have you been wanting more fruit or meat?
Fruit=Girl Meat=Boy
Since getting pregnant I dont have the desire to really eat any meat I mainly want fruit!
Results= Girl
Energy Levels
How have you been feeling? Are you full of energy or really tired?
Low energy=Girl High Energy= Boy
I have not felt motivated at all this pregnancy. There are days I get boots of energy but it does not last very long.
Result= Girl
Moody or Calm
Have you noticed if you are more irritable or emotional then normal?
Wives tale says that if you are more moody baby is a girl and if you are calm baby is a boy.
I feel this pregnancy vs. my first I am so much more calm! I have my days don’t get my wrong but I am a lot more calm this time around.
Graceful or Clumsy
Have you been more clumsy lately?
It’s said that if you are very clumsy during pregnancy, your having a boy. If you are very graceful, you are having a girl.
For me I have not felt more clumsy during this pregnancy.
Heart Burn
Have you been having some horrible heartburn during pregnancy? If so this is a sign that your baby is going to have a lot of hair!
This also is known to predict gender. If you are having a lot of heart burn its a sign that baby is a girl. If you have no heartburn this is a sign that baby is a boy.
I have not had any bad heartburn.
Result= Boy
Have you suffered from bad headaches since becoming pregnant?
Wives tales says that if you have had many headaches during pregnancy baby is a boy. And having no headaches means girl!
I have had one migraine and a couple smaller headaches during this pregnancy so far.
Skin Glowing or Breaking out
Have you had people mention that your glowing through pregnancy?
If you have noticed glowing through pregnancy its said that baby is a boy. Now if your skin is breaking out and you have many blemishes its said that baby is stealing your beauty and is a girl.
This pregnancy has been so tough in this aspect. I can not do anything to clear my skin. From my face to my stomach and legs everything seems to be breaking out.
Soft Skin or Dry
How has your skin been feeling?
If your skin is silky soft it means your having a girl. If your skin is dry your having a boy!
Oh man this one is easy for me. I have not been able to keep enough lotion on. My skin is super itchy and dry!
Body Hair
Are you having to shave more often since becoming pregnant?
If your body hair seems to be growing faster and thicker your having a boy. If you haven’t noticed a change your having a girl.
Since becoming pregnant I seem to not be able to keep up with shaving. my hair has really started growing.
Weight Gain Placement
Have you noticed weight gain all over is it it just in all in your belly?
It’s said that if your carrying all your weight in your belly its a boy. And if your weight gain is all over its a girl.
At 16 weeks I have not gained any weight but i am filling out in the stomach area and seem to not be anywhere else.
Shape of Belly
Have you noticed the shape of your belly?
Basket Ball=Boy Watermelon= Girl
I feel so far my stomach is more shaped like a basket ball.
Carrying High or Low
This is one of the most common wives tales!
Are you carrying high? Then you could be having a girl. If your carrying low you could be carrying a boy.
This baby is sitting so low in me. We have had problems finding the heart beat because baby is sitting so low.
Have you looked down at your breasts lately? More importantly your areola. If it is noticeably darker then its said that your having a boy. If there is no change its a girl.
I have noticed a change in color since becoming pregnant.
Result= Boy
Breast Size
Noticeable Growth= Girl No size difference=Boy
At first my breast were really swollen my bras were fitting tighter but since then I have not noticed a big change.
Nail Growth
Have your fingernails been growing and looking very healthy?
Nails are thick and growing fast= Boy Brittle and breaking nails= Girl
For the first time I have extremely healthy nails and I love it!
Feet Temperature
Have you noticed your feet being colder then normal?
If your feet have been colder then normal its said that your having a boy. If you have not noticed a change in your feet temperature your having a girl.
Sleeping Position
Do you prefer to sleep on a certain side? If so, its suppose to be a sign of what your having.
Right side=Girl Left side=Boy
I use to prefer my right side but since becoming pregnant I only want to sleep on my left.
Urine Color
This wives tale is a little odd. It seems the best time to put this one to the test is first thing in the morning.
If your urine is bright yellow your having a boy. If it is light and dull your having a girl.
Gender Predicting Tests
Now that we have went through old wives tales here are some at home gender predicting tests that you can do! Much like the wives tales these have no science behind them stating that its true. These are just more fun gender tests that you can do.
Ring Test
Tie your wedding band to a string and hang it over your belly. If the ring swings in a circle your having a boy. And if the ring swings back and fourth your having a girl.
Chines Gender Chart
The chines gender chart has been used for centuries in China and has become popular in the United States. You use the month you conceived and your age to determine what you will have.
Click here to find out what you will have according to the Chines Gender Chart.
Mayan Gender Test
Mayan Gender Test is much like the Chines Gender Test. Find the Mayan Gender Test Here!
Baking Soda Test
While looking for wives tales and gender tests to do this is a very popular one that i seen everywhere. Take a tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of urine. Pour the urine in the baking soda.
If it fizzes its a boy, if not its a girl
Even and Odd Numbers
If your age and year of conception are both even or odd your having a girl. If one is even and one is odd your having a boy.
My age is 25 year of conception is 2019
Other Ways to Determine Gender Early
Ramzi Theory
Ramzi Theory determines gender around 6-8 weeks by placement of the placenta. Read more here!
Result= Boy
Sneak Peak Blood Test
Sneak Peak can be done at 8 weeks either at home or at a verified clinic. They draw your blood and send it off and you will receive and email with what your having.
Nub Theory
This can be done at 12 weeks. Use a 12 week ultrasound and look at babies nub. Depending on the way it points tells gender. Read more here.
Skull Theory
This Theory uses the baby’s skull to determine what baby is. Read more here!
Early Ultrasound
There are many places across the country that off alternative ultrasound services. Many will tell you gender between 13-16 weeks! This is how we determined gender at 13w5d
My Results!
After putting these all to the test my results were…
Boy 20
Girl 9
Inclusive 1
So what am I having?? Drum roll!!!
Ultrasound done at 13w5d states that I am having a BOY!