10+ Educational Board Games for Preschoolers

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Educational Board Games for Preschoolers #earlychildhoodeducation #learningthroughplay #preschool

Children learn bet through play. When children are able to have fun and express themselves while also learning they will have a better chance of absorbing the information. So why not expose your child to something that they can learn from yet love doing!

Game night is big in my house! We love sitting down and spending time as a family doing something so simple and cheap. Once my daughter got old enough we knew this was something we would love to include her in. We started as she was a toddler. (Read my post on board games for toddlers) Now that she is getting older we are introducing her to more and more games! Education is something I really value and I know how important it is with early childhood so I have decided to come up with a list of educational board games for preschoolers!

Educational Board Games for Preschoolers

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Spin and Seek ABC

We absolutely love this game! It is wonderful at teaching the letters, upper case and lower case. It also helps with counting and colors. This is a great game that the entire family can enjoy!

Lucky Ducks

This is a very fun game! It helps to teach your little one shapes and colors. Much like a memory game the goal is to find the ducks with matching shapes!

 Hi Ho! Cherry-O

A great traditional game! This was one of my favorite games growing up! Hi Ho Cherry-o game is great for learning to count, add and subtract. This is a wonderful math game for you little one.

The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game

A great game to work on fine motor skills, color recognition and matching. Perfect game for family fun!

Boggle Jr

This is a great game to help with learning to spell, sound out letters or match letters. Perfect for those getting ready to go into kindergarten.

Count your Chickens

Very fun game that requires no reading and helps with counting.

Super WHY ABC Game

Super WHY ABC game helps with phonics for the little ones. Perfect game to learn letters, rhyming and much more.

The Ladybug Game

This game is perfect for a first board game. It helps teach math and reading skills

Frida’s Fruit Fiesta

Very fun and educational for those preschoolers. This game helps to teach children their letters and some counting.

Lunch Box Game

This is a game is great way to help teach children about healthy foods and what foods are best to choose.

Q’s Race to The Top 

This game is a wonderful game! Fun for the entire family it helps to teach social skills, behavior and manners!

10+ Educational Board Games for Preschoolers #preschool #earlychildhoodeducation #learningthroughplay




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